05 MARCH 2024

MSC Foundation donates over one ton of vital foodstuffs to Caritas and the Auxilium Foundation in Genoa


Substantial donation of mixed foodstuffs to assist vulnerable and homeless individuals and families is in addition to regular annual donation of 5 tons of pasta


Focus area: Community Support



The MSC Foundation and MSC Group have a longstanding partnership with the faith-based organisations Caritas and the Auxilium Foundation in Genoa to help local people in need of food assistance. These partners took another big step forward on the morning of the 5th of March when they arrived at the MSC logistics hub in Bolzaneto, Genoa, to collect a donation of over 1 ton of foodstuffs.


The load of six full pallets included approximately 500 kg of meat and fish, 200 kg of cheese, 100 kg of pasta, 100 kg of cold cuts, 100 kg of flour and 150 kg of dessert and dried products. Similar donations were made in April 2020 and February 2021, all in addition to the 5 tons of pasta that the MSC Group has donated to the Genoa organisations every year for the past five years. That’s equivalent to more than 50,000 meals per year – all the result of the close synergies between the MSC Foundation and MSC Group, in this case MSC Cruises in particular.


Gigi Borgiani, Director of the Auxilium Foundation, commented "We are truly grateful to the MSC Foundation for its constant support, which assists Caritas for the Diocesan area of Genoa in welcoming and assisting those facing severe marginalization in the city: the homeless, asylum seekers and refugees, vulnerable families, victims of human trafficking, and HIV/AIDS patients without family support. When different organisations come together to act in the common good, it really makes a difference, bringing our city to life with daily opportunities to foster relationships, educate about sharing, and collectively care for our most vulnerable citizens."


Daniela Picco, Executive Director of the MSC Foundation, added; "It’s a privilege to be a longstanding partner delivering tangible support to two such important Genoese institutions, deeply committed to assisting those most in need."