Marevivo is an Italian marine conservation association that works worldwide for biodiversity conservation, sustainable development and the enhancement and promotion of marine protected areas. Since 2014, the MSC Group and Marevivo have partnered to build a community of Citizens of the Ocean.
Together building a global community that advocates for and conserves our marine resources, informing young people about marine biodiversity, sustainable development and the restoration of marine protected areas.
The Mediterranean is the world’s most overfished sea. 62% of fish stocks have collapsed. 731 tons of plastic waste enter its waters every day, adding to the 250 billion plastic fragments that already pollute its waters and constitute 95% of all marine debris. We are working with Marevivo to combat this through three long-term projects -“Guardian Dolphins” and “Nauticinblu” - that heighten youth awareness, educate tomorrow’s marine professionals and lobby for marine conservation and plastic pollution legislation.
of marine debris in the Mediterranean Sea is plastic
of plastic waste enter the Mediterranean Sea everyday
fragments of plastic pollute its waters
of the Mediterranean’s fish stocks have declined